What Was I Thinking??

What Was I Thinking??

Over the weekend, my brutally honest side sat down with my excited, wants-to-do-all-the-things side and told her that publishing four books this year ain’t happening. So much more goes into a book than simply writing it. There’s the second draft, sending the story to...
Something BIG This Way Comes

Something BIG This Way Comes

I have some BIG writing months ahead. Well, that’s the plan. The rest of August, as well as September and October, will have me typing furiously on my keyboard in the wee hours of the morning. Again, that’s the plan. Why do I indie publish? I chose indie publishing...
Ack! My Back!

Ack! My Back!

Something new happened to me on Sunday. My back gave out. It started on Saturday when I picked up my dog and I felt a little tweak. I woke up Sunday morning thinking I was better. It was hard for me to lean over and tie my shoes, but I persisted. I think that’s where...