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Erin Lucy Sweet Romance Author


Hello! Perhaps you are wondering, Who is Erin Lucy??

The quick version is: I’m a sweet romance author. The slightly longer version: I’m an author of sweet inspirational reads, mostly sweet romances and sweet romantic comedies.

If you’re wondering what sweet romance is, check out this link where I describe it in detail.

You have more questions? I have answers!

Who are you?

My name is Erin Lucy. (Duh.) I am of a certain age (which shall not be mentioned). I was born and raised in Fable, U.S.A., where I still live in my childhood home.

What do you write?

Like I said previously, I write sweet inspirational reads, mostly sweet romances and sweet romantic comedy, but I might try women’s fiction or cozy mysteries some day.

What do you write about?

Since I’m partial to beaches and corn fields, one or the other is likely to show up in my novels. I love small towns, quaint cities, and places that feel cozy. My favorite tropes are friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, and second-chance-romance. I like farm boys, rock stars, and I’m partial to cinnamon roll heroes. I like nice guys! (Some of the rock stars might be unruly at times though!)

Where can I find you?

My social media of choice is Instagram. I’m also on Facebook, and of course, you can always stop by here to see what I’m up to.

What do you do when you’re not obsessing about the fake people in your head?

I have a day job, a few kids, a husband, pets, and if I’m not writing, I might be reading, going to church, or making myself go to the gym. Or drinking way too much boba tea.

What is the meaning of life?

42. (I know, I was disappointed too.)

Are we kindred spirits?

If any of this resonates, we might be!

Can we be friends?

A thousand times yes! I hope we can get to know each other better.

Thank you for stopping by!